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Saturday, June 1 • 5:15pm - 6:30pm
Exploring AI: Automated Criminal Justice: Digging into Policing Algorithms

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The police and the judicial system use a lot of automated decision-making systems to support their work. Sometimes they accuse innocent people or discriminate against particular population groups. Researching these systems presents many challenges, mostly because the police are very secretive about how they manage them, where they obtain the data to train them, and what data inputs are used for analysis. In most cases, both the inner workings of the algorithms and their effects on individuals are opaque. This makes journalistic research in this area essential, even though it is sometimes blocked by the authorities and by public administrations. This session will look at how to accomplish this kind of research and reporting. We will present information and recently unveiled data on several algorithms and AI systems used in Germany and Spain. We will also expand on the methodologies we used to uncover this information and the difficulties that we faced during the research. Attendees will be able to learn about how to report on this niche field, which mixes technology and crime reporting, and how to face the problems of looking at the police from a new perspective - the technological one.

avatar for Sonja Peteranderl

Sonja Peteranderl

Founder, BuzzingCities Lab
Sonja Peteranderl is a journalist and founder of BuzzingCities Lab, a think tank that focuses on the impact of technology on violence and crime, and the School of Conflict & Peace. She reports on organized crime, urban violence, digital violence, security/police and tech trends from... Read More →
avatar for Naiara Bellio

Naiara Bellio

Reporter, AlgorithmWatch
Naiara covers the topics automated decision-making systems and digital rights at AlgorithmWatch. She also conducts research on the use of algorithmic systems by administrations and tech at borders for organisations such as Fair Trials, EuroMed Rights and AlgoRace. Before, she coordinated... Read More →

Saturday June 1, 2024 5:15pm - 6:30pm CEST
Aula Donché - 1.15
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