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Saturday, June 1 • 1:45pm - 3:00pm
17 ways to measure impact : how to listen to the echos of your investigations

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In 2023, the non-profit investigative news outlet Disclose, based in France, introduced a set of 17 indicators to measure the impact of its work. From political change to judicial cases, they spotted more than 500 echoes of our investigations last year.
What does it take to measure these echoes? How did they build their methodology to assess the impact of our stories? And how to communicate the results to the public? During this session, Pierre Leibovici will present the database Disclose uses in order to categorise the impacts and to deliver two impact reports each year (one for the public, the other one for the funders). He will also share their reflections on all the benefits of measuring impact, from improving reader loyalty to finding a better sense of why we are doing investigative journalism.

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Pierre Leibovici

Journalist, Disclose

Saturday June 1, 2024 1:45pm - 3:00pm CEST
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Attendees (4)